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Найдено 1 результат

  1. Доброго времени суток. Возникла необходимость считать количество людей заходящих в помещение и выходящих из него. Это я реализовал. Но еще необходимо реализовать подсчёт сколько людей находится еще в помещении.Пример: вошло 15 человек, вышло 9, осталось в помещении 6 человек. если наглядно то надо что-то вроде этого - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-gDfr_G7GA&t=1s #include<opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include<opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #include<opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp> #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> // it may be necessary to change or remove this line if not using Windows #include <fstream> // file utils #include <ctime> // timestamp stuff #include "Blob.h" #define SHOW_STEPS // un-comment or comment this line to show steps or not #define FRAME_SCALE 1 // divide frame dimentions by this number /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main(void) { cv::VideoCapture capVideo; std::ofstream myfile; // log file cv::Mat imgFrame1; cv::Mat imgFrame2; cv::Mat imgFrame1L; cv::Mat imgFrame2L; std::vector<Blob> blobs; cv::Point crossingLine[2]; int ShopCountL = 0; int ShopCountR = 0; capVideo.open("input1_2.MOV"); if (capVideo.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) < 2) { std::cout << "error: video file must have at least two frames"; _getch(); // it may be necessary to change or remove this line if not using Windows return(0); } capVideo.read(imgFrame1L); capVideo.read(imgFrame2L); int intVerticalLinePosition = (int)std::round((double)imgFrame1.cols * 0.50); crossingLine[0].y = 0; crossingLine[0].x = intVerticalLinePosition; crossingLine[1].y = imgFrame1.rows - 1; crossingLine[1].x = intVerticalLinePosition; char chCheckForEscKey = 0; bool blnFirstFrame = true; int frameCount = 2; imgFrame2Copy = imgFrame2.clone(); // get another copy of frame 2 since we changed the previous frame 2 copy in the processing above drawBlobInfoOnImage(blobs, imgFrame2Copy); int blnAtLeastOneBlobCrossedTheLine = checkIfBlobsCrossedTheLine(blobs, intVerticalLinePosition, ShopCountL, ShopCountR, myfile); if (blnAtLeastOneBlobCrossedTheLine == 1) { cv::line(imgFrame2Copy, crossingLine[0], crossingLine[1], SCALAR_GREEN, 2); } else if (blnAtLeastOneBlobCrossedTheLine == 2) { cv::line(imgFrame2Copy, crossingLine[0], crossingLine[1], SCALAR_YELLOW, 2); } else { cv::line(imgFrame2Copy, crossingLine[0], crossingLine[1], SCALAR_BLUE, 2); } drawShopCountOnImage(ShopCountL, ShopCountR, imgFrame2Copy); cv::imshow("People_Counting_Cross_Line", imgFrame2Copy); currentFrameBlobs.clear(); imgFrame1 = imgFrame2.clone(); // move frame 1 up to where frame 2 is capVideo.read(imgFrame2); if ((capVideo.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) + 1) < capVideo.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) { capVideo.read(imgFrame2L); resize(imgFrame2L, imgFrame2, cv::Size(imgFrame2L.size().width / FRAME_SCALE, imgFrame2L.size().height / FRAME_SCALE)); } else { time_t now = time(0); char* dt = strtok(ctime(&now), "\n");; std::cout << dt << ",EOF" << std::endl; return(0); // end? } blnFirstFrame = false; frameCount++; chCheckForEscKey = cv::waitKey(1); } if (chCheckForEscKey != 27) { // if the user did not press esc (i.e. we reached the end of the video) cv::waitKey(0); // hold the windows open to allow the "end of video" message to show } return(0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool checkIfBlobsCrossedTheLine(std::vector<Blob> &blobs, int &intVerticalLinePosition, int &ShopCountL, int &ShopCountR, std::ofstream &myfile) { bool blnAtLeastOneBlobCrossedTheLine = 0; for (auto blob : blobs) { if (blob.blnStillBeingTracked == true && blob.centerPositions.size() >= 2) { int prevFrameIndex = (int)blob.centerPositions.size() - 2; int currFrameIndex = (int)blob.centerPositions.size() - 1; //going left if (blob.centerPositions[prevFrameIndex].x > intVerticalLinePosition && blob.centerPositions[currFrameIndex].x <= intVerticalLinePosition) { ShopCountL++;[B][SIZE="3"]вычисление сколько вошло[/SIZE][/B] [B]вот тут должно быть вычисление сколько осталось еще внутри[/B] time_t now = time(0); char* dt = strtok(ctime(&now), "\n");; std::cout << dt << ",1,0 (Left)" << std::endl; myfile << dt << ",1,0" << std::endl; blnAtLeastOneBlobCrossedTheLine = 1; } // going right if (blob.centerPositions[prevFrameIndex].x < intVerticalLinePosition && blob.centerPositions[currFrameIndex].x >= intVerticalLinePosition) { ShopCountR++;[B]А вот тут сколько вышло[/B] time_t now = time(0); char* dt = strtok(ctime(&now), "\n");; std::cout << dt << ",0,1 (Right)" << std::endl; myfile << dt << ",0,1" << std::endl; blnAtLeastOneBlobCrossedTheLine = 2; } } } return blnAtLeastOneBlobCrossedTheLine; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void drawBlobInfoOnImage(std::vector<Blob> &blobs, cv::Mat &imgFrame2Copy) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < blobs.size(); i++) { if (blobs[i].blnStillBeingTracked == true) { cv::rectangle(imgFrame2Copy, blobs[i].currentBoundingRect, SCALAR_RED, 2); int intFontFace = CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX; double dblFontScale = blobs[i].dblCurrentDiagonalSize / 60.0; int intFontThickness = (int)std::round(dblFontScale * 1.0); cv::putText(imgFrame2Copy, std::to_string(i), blobs[i].centerPositions.back(), intFontFace, dblFontScale, SCALAR_GREEN, intFontThickness); } } }