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Все публикации пользователя the_fonzy_0

  1. OpenCV 2.4.9 in XE6

    Hi all, I've modified OpenCV last version for my Embarcadero C++ XE6 following this link and this other. Then I created libs for 32 and 64 bit. First test appear work fine. I would like to share this work with this forum: how can I do? http://www.4shared.com appear not working.
  2. OpenCV 2.4.9 in XE6

    I uploaded it (url) It may be necessary a few more fixes in headers that I have not used yet. I hope it is useful to someone. Any contribution is welcome.
  3. Opencv 2.3.2 + C++Builder XE2

    Thank very mutch, now I begin study this link (from Russian to Italian is hard ahahahah)
  4. Opencv 2.3.2 + C++Builder XE2

    ok, thank you. Do you know any tutorials on the timing and audio play with OpenCV?
  5. Opencv 2.3.2 + C++Builder XE2

    works well, but it's too fast. You know a way to synchronize the frames at the frame rate? and plays the audio track of the movie? I would like to make a video player with features traking
  6. Opencv 2.3.2 + C++Builder XE2

    Hello Smorodov. Your test software works great. Now I'm trying to read a video (for now .avi, then switch to a .flv). I used a very simple code: cv :: VideoCapture * capture; / / ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- __fastcall TForm1 :: TForm1 (TComponent * Owner) : TForm (Owner) { capture = new cv :: VideoCapture (".. / bike.avi"); } but the compiler gives me error links: [iLINK32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'cv :: ~ :: VideoCapture VideoCapture ()' referenced from D: \ DESKTOP \ OpenCV \ videotest \ DEBUG \ MAIN.OBJ [iLINK32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'cv :: fastFree (void *)' referenced from D: \ DESKTOP \ OpenCV \ videotest \ DEBUG \ MAIN.OBJ [iLINK32 Error] Error: Unresolved external ':: cv :: VideoCapture VideoCapture (std :: basic_string <char, std :: char_traits <char>, std :: allocator <char>> &)' referenced from D: \ DESKTOP \ OpenCV \ videotest \ DEBUG \ MAIN.OBJ could you tell me what could be the problem? thanks in advance
  7. Opencv 2.3.2 + C++Builder XE2

    thanks Smorodov now download, install and try it. everything is working correctly. thanks Smorodov.
  8. Opencv 2.3.2 + C++Builder XE2

    great advice! I discovered that some dll extension should be renamed (dl instead of dll ... strange, but ok) and I miss the library cudart32_40_17.dll. I have a Cuda, I have to install something else? and if I had a cuda, I could use OpenCV? thanks Smorodov, u are great!
  9. Opencv 2.3.2 + C++Builder XE2

    Nooo! Smorodov Please, help me once again Now the program compiles but does not start. I added your files. Lib to the project and copied your dll inthe folder of the executable (as well as in system and system32), but the application does not start and I will return to the IDE C ++. Any suggestions? thanks in advance
  10. Opencv 2.3.2 + C++Builder XE2

    Hello Smorodov , thanks for your answer. I write the solution I adopted, it could help someone. For the first 3 errors the problem is that they refer to functions that return a float: fast_abs inline float (float v) {return std :: abs (v);} and a cast to int could cause problems: I solved it: fast_abs inline float (float v) {if (v> 0) return (v) else return - (v);} For the second type of error your advice was excellent, with a slight modification: RotatedRect CvBox2D Inline :: operator () const { CvBox2D box; box.center.x = center.x; box.center.y = center.y; box.size.width = Size.Width; box.size.height = Size.Height; box.angle = angle; return box; } Thanks again
  11. Opencv 2.3.2 + C++Builder XE2

    Hello Smorodov.First of all thanks for these files. I downloaded your project and I tried it in my c + + builder 2010, but without success. Could you help me? We'll describe below what I did: - I created the folder c: \ bcb_opencv - I started C + + Builder and I have created and saved a new project - I added in the form a panel and a button - I added to the header, the header by adding the lines: # define _STLP_NO_CSTD_FUNCTION_IMPORTS # define _FM_NO_REMAP # include "opencv2/opencv.hpp" - I have added to the project path includes C: \ bcb_opencv \ BCB_OpenCV \ include - I copied the folder in the folder opencv2 the includes located in the module folder Finally, I compiled the program but I get the following errors and warnings: [bCC32 Error] operations.hpp(188): E2015 Ambiguity between 'std::abs(int) at c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\rad studio\7.0\include\stdlib.h:142' and 'std::abs(__int64) at c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\rad studio\7.0\include\stdlib.h:541' [bCC32 Error] operations.hpp(189): E2015 Ambiguity between 'std::abs(int) at c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\rad studio\7.0\include\stdlib.h:142' and 'std::abs(__int64) at c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\rad studio\7.0\include\stdlib.h:541' [bCC32 Error] operations.hpp(1011): E2015 Ambiguity between 'std::abs(int) at c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\rad studio\7.0\include\stdlib.h:142' and 'std::abs(__int64) at c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\rad studio\7.0\include\stdlib.h:541' [bCC32 Error] operations.hpp(1966): E2034 Cannot convert 'const Point2f' to 'CvPoint2D32f' [bCC32 Error] operations.hpp(1966): E2034 Cannot convert 'const Size2f' to 'CvSize2D32f' [bCC32 Warning] ml.hpp(990): W8022 'CvForestTree::train(CvDTreeTrainData *,const CvMat *,CvRTrees *)' hides virtual function 'CvDTree::train(CvMLData *,CvDTreeParams)' [bCC32 Warning] ml.hpp(990): W8022 'CvForestTree::train(CvDTreeTrainData *,const CvMat *,CvRTrees *)' hides virtual function 'CvDTree::train(const cv::Mat &,int,const cv::Mat &,const cv::Mat &,const cv::Mat &,const cv::Mat &,const cv::Mat &,CvDTreeParams)' [bCC32 Warning] ml.hpp(1195): W8022 'CvBoostTree::train(CvDTreeTrainData *,const CvMat *,CvBoost *)' hides virtual function 'CvDTree::train(CvMLData *,CvDTreeParams)' [bCC32 Warning] ml.hpp(1195): W8022 'CvBoostTree::train(CvDTreeTrainData *,const CvMat *,CvBoost *)' hides virtual function 'CvDTree::train(const cv::Mat &,int,const cv::Mat &,const cv::Mat &,const cv::Mat &,const cv::Mat &,const cv::Mat &,CvDTreeParams)' any ideas to solve these problems? thanks in advance TheFonzy