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сравнение гистограм на питоне

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error "sc= cv.CompareHist(hist_item1, hist_item2, cv.CV_COMP_CORREL) TypeError: Expected CvHistogram for argument 'hist1'"


import cv2

import cv

import numpy as np

import time

img1 = cv2.imread('C:/ICP/buterfly_1.jpg')

img1= cv2.cvtColor(img1,cv.CV_BGR2HSV)

img2 = cv2.imread('C:/ICP/buterfly_0.jpg')

img2= cv2.cvtColor(img2,cv.CV_BGR2HSV)

h = np.zeros((300,256,3))

bins = np.arange(256).reshape(256,1)

color = [ (255,0,0),(0,255,0),(0,0,255) ]

for ch, col in enumerate(color):

    hist_item1 = cv2.calcHist([img1],[ch],None,[256],[0,255])

    hist_item2 = cv2.calcHist([img2],[ch],None,[256],[0,255])



    sc= cv.CompareHist(hist_item1, hist_item2, cv.CV_COMP_CORREL)

    print sc


    pts = np.column_stack((bins,hist))




этот вроде работает, но какой то он страшный.
import numpy

from PIL import Image

import cv2

def similarness(image1,image2):


Return the correlation distance be1tween the histograms. This is 'normalized' so that

1 is a perfect match while -1 is a complete mismatch and 0 is no match.


    # Open and resize images to 200x200

    i1 = Image.open(image1).resize((200,200))

    i2 = Image.open(image2).resize((200,200))

    # Get histogram and seperate into RGB channels

    i1hist = numpy.array(i1.histogram()).astype('float32')

    i1r, i1b, i1g = i1hist[0:256], i1hist[256:256*2], i1hist[256*2:]

    # Re bin the histogram from 256 bins to 48 for each channel

    i1rh = numpy.array([sum(i1r[i*16:16*(i+1)]) for i in range(16)]).astype('float32')

    i1bh = numpy.array([sum(i1b[i*16:16*(i+1)]) for i in range(16)]).astype('float32')

    i1gh = numpy.array([sum(i1g[i*16:16*(i+1)]) for i in range(16)]).astype('float32')

    # Combine all the channels back into one array

    i1histbin = numpy.ravel([i1rh, i1bh, i1gh]).astype('float32')

    # Same steps for the second image

    i2hist = numpy.array(i2.histogram()).astype('float32')

    i2r, i2b, i2g = i2hist[0:256], i2hist[256:256*2], i2hist[256*2:]

    i2rh = numpy.array([sum(i2r[i*16:16*(i+1)]) for i in range(16)]).astype('float32')

    i2bh = numpy.array([sum(i2b[i*16:16*(i+1)]) for i in range(16)]).astype('float32')

    i2gh = numpy.array([sum(i2g[i*16:16*(i+1)]) for i in range(16)]).astype('float32')

    i2histbin = numpy.ravel([i2rh, i2bh, i2gh]).astype('float32')

    return cv2.compareHist(i1histbin, i2histbin, 0)

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